Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Surrender yourself!!!

Okay so we are now part of a new decade, a new beginning, a fresh start so to speak. What are we going to do with it?? Well here's a suggestion: SURRENDER YOURSELF TO YOUR DREAM.

Don't think about it, don't worry about how you are going to accomplish your list of "resolutions", just surrender. Become unstoppable!! Become a force you have never seen before. Consider this: someone who has a disability or any kind (physical or otherwise) accomplishing what most people and professionals say they can't...and here are you, able bodied and you are falling short??? My point is, there are no excuses.

Here are a few options if pushing yourself is "just not what you do". Find a purpose to keep you going:

- become part of an organization close to your heart (cancer research, aids foundations etc).

- Sign up for an event: a 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon and do it in the name of your new found association (it's sort of hard to punk out when you represent someone, something or hope for someone else.)

- Align yourself with someone who is part of a support group (of athletes) and just observe. (it's tough being the only unfit person in the mix, but you get to observe their training, their diet, their lifestyle and it would be much easier for you to get on board)

- Try/sign up for different things. For example, buy a 10 pack of spinning classes, sign up for yoga, sign up for swimming ALL AT THE SAME TIME (yes, that's what I said) and go one day to spin, one day to yoga, one day for swimming. Guess what... you're working out 3 days a week AND in the process you figure out what you like and don't like without a long term commitment like a 2 year gym membership.

Here's another concept:

Fight the feeling of wanting to be "a man apart" or "an island". We are really nothing without the support or assistance of others, so why do we feel like we can do everything ourselves?? The expertise of others, their knowledge, is to be cherished/treasured and subsequently shared to help others. Every person in our life has a purpose; allow that purpose to push you closer to your dream. Embrace the knowledge they offer and see how it applies to your overall vision. Understand that we have to be open to others. No matter how much money we have or how prestigious we may be, we still have to rely on the services or others. What makes someone a great leader is their vision and not their undying need for power.

One more thing:

Hope is a choice. We make the choice to maintain or to give in to the situation, to the pain or discomfort. Although some situations may seem/be debilitating (losing a loved one, financial issues, illness etc), we can either fight to survive, knowing that there is strength to be gained at the end of it all or give up. Hopefully, the latter is not even a consideration. Overcoming anything, even the smallest of hurdles is truly inspiring and character building. I once had the pleasure of working out with someone who was once in a wheel chair and recently celebrated her 6th anniversary of walking...WOW!. She is now called "She HULK". Unknown to her, knowing that as tough as the workouts were, she never gave up, pushed me to finish as well. She has become a living testament of hope and so can you.

So if you are interested, send me your location and I will find a 5k or 10k in your area as well as reduced packaged deals for spinning, swimming, running etc. They are out there (some are even free) and finding them isn't so hard to do, but I am here to help so let me be your first leg of support for 2011. Ready to SURRENDER to your dreams and innate ability to succeed? I am.

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