Monday, January 31, 2011


Perspiration (sweat) is defined as the fluid consisting of water with small amounts of urea and salt, that is excreted through the pores of the skin via the sweat gland.  Most people believe that this built-in cooling system is "smelly" but it is in fact odorless.  Bacteria are the real culprits behind body odors.


Anaerobic bacteria: When the body is derived of oxygen and your metabolism starts to work, it emits an odor and this is your body's mechanism of getting rid of waste products.  Any imbalances may result in stronger odors (eg. the more waste the stronger the odor possibly)

For example: If your liver and intestines are clogged, odors may emanate from the body.  
      Solution: A completed detoxification program by cleansing the liver, colon and kidneys.

Solution:  Drink lots of water, take regular baths, especially after workouts and wash clothing after wearing (it doesn't matter if you wore the clothing for 10 mins or 10 hrs, wash them).

Foods consumed may promote body odor: Onions, garlic, curry and some alcohols, spicy foods and even coffee.  Some people may not be able to metabolize certain foods such as eggs, fish, liver or legumes due to it's chlorine content.

Solution:  Reduce the consumption of these foods and drink lots of water.

Constipation: This may mean different things to different people, but it is generally known as infrequent stool, incomplete emptying of the bowels, hard stool or even "straining".  Some people who eat large amounts of meat or are vegetarian may emit an offensive body odor (because of the person's body chemistry).  Their body does not completely process these foods which may cause constipation and this back up may come out as waste through their sweat glands.
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Solution:  Drink lots of water and have a balance of fresh vegetables and fruit in your diet.  And if all else fails, see your doctor.

Deficiency in magnesium or zinc: It is said that approximately 58% of Americans have an inadequate intake of Magnesium, some other illnesses associated with this deficiency: Diabetes and Asthma.  Zinc is not stored in the body and as such it has to be consumed.  Deficiencies of Zinc can affect various systems in our bodies.  It is a vital for the healing process, DNA production, cell division, sense of taste, smell, sight and is important for our development from fetus to adult.  This deficiency is not common amongst Americans.

Solution: Everyday consume foods rich in Zinc to avoid a deficiency such as: red meat, oysters, shellfish, nuts, beans, whole grains and  fortified cereals.  (you know my take on the last 2 listed here, but for information purposes...I'm listing them).

The sweat glands in the groin area and under the arm pits secrete a substance which contains carbohydrates, lipids and proteins (caused by tense moments or emotional stress).  This is quickly attacked by bacteria causing odor.

Excessive sweating can be caused by these underlying issues:
  • Low blood sugar
  • Liver Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Parasites
  • Metabolic dysfunction
  • Menopause
  • Emotional Stress
  • Fungal infections
  • Refined sugar feeds bacteria and fungus on the skin
  • Caffeine
  • Medications
  • Tobacco
Here are some common sense and alternatives treatments, supplements and "Folk remedies" that can eliminate odor issues...

  • Bathing daily or more frequently helps to remove the bacteria from the skin.  Be sure to use a wash cloth (more effective than just using your hands), Focus especially on the arm pits and groin area.  If you have severe problem with odor, soak for a few minutes in a tub of water with about three cups of tomato juice.
  • Clothing: Wear looser clothing if you are prone to being a "sweaty mess".  Also choosing breathable fabrics can also help tremendously, synthetic fabrics for shoes or clothing don't allow the body to breathe and as such traps the sweat and gives bacteria a great feeding ground for maximizing odor output.  Also washing your clothing after every use will also help.
  • Dietary: As mentioned above, reduce the consumption of foods that promote "the stink".
  • Tobacco: Tobacco comes through your lungs as well as through your skin, it creates a distinct odor (especially when mixed with other chemicals in/on your body).  You know what to do here...need I say more?
  • Witch hazel: wipe your armpits with this solution or alcohol post workouts.
  • Apple cider vinegar: This product reduces the pH of the skin and can be used instead of deodorant.  Bacteria cannot live in areas where the pH is low.
  • Baby/talc powder: This can be used in areas where perspiration is excessive (eg groin area).
  • Parsley/alfalfa: Chewing parsley, alfalfa or other leafy greens will help neutralize body odor (maybe because of the deodorizing effect of the chlorophyll).  
  • Rosemary: This can also be used on the body, put 8-10 drops and apply to the area most affected/prone to body odors.
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%): Place a teaspoon of peroxide in a glass of water and wash your underarms.  Tweak this formula to your body's needs.
  • Magnesium/Zinc:  Augment your diet to consume more magnesium or  take magnesium supplements
  • Chlorophyll: This can be consumed with each meal, this is an excellent deodorizer or once again augment your meals to include more dark green leafy vegetables.
Also please look at the ingredients in your deodorant/antiperspirant deodorant, they can cause considerable damage.  Today's deodorants contain aluminum chloride, this blocks glandular openings and prevents sweating and is responsible for the yellow stains or discolorations on your shirts/tops.  

The bottom line here is, it's no laughing matter.  Serious conditions may be the underlying cause, therefore it should be handled in a sensitive manner.  Although you may not care about the persons feelings, it could one day happen to you.  Don't get angry, either decide to tell them about it PRIVATELY AND SWEETLY (ask their permission to speak to them and please be nice) or say nothing at all (but remember, you would like to know if you smell to prevent a future occurrence)

Monday, January 17, 2011

ENTER TO WIN $100,000.00 cause ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!!

I firstly need to state that this is not directed at anyone I personally know, nor is it an attempt to make anyone feel terrible if this situation applies to them.  It's about awareness and growth.  Let's step into the light of awareness and grow. Here goes...

I am fed up, yep I said it FED UP!!  I passed by a news stand and the headlines were as follows: LOSE BELLY FAT IN 10 DAYS, GET A FLAT BELLY WITH ONE MOVE, HOW TO KEEP YOUR MAN HAPPY (written by a woman...who probably doesn't have "a man"), GET A HOT UPPER BODY...blah blah blah!!  Okay, you are probably saying, they may be right!!  WRONG!!!  Or you may be saying, this stuff sells...RIGHT YOU ARE!!!!  Now much like the food that has an eternity of shelf life, with contents that we can barely pronounce...the advice that promises "sexy" without work and a proper diet is completely false and unhealthy for us both physically and mentally.  My problem is that some people really believe that "their" words are true and when they don't achieve the things stated (when they followed the prescription to a T) become disheartened.  Future weight loss attempts start off with a wall of impossibility to climb, when that should not be the case.  

When something is unfamiliar to you, getting information is the way to go.  Being fed the wrong information would only lead you down the wrong path...agreed?  Some magazines would say it's okay to drink milk or juice in the morning.  Most people would think that's okay as well, even prior to reading the magazine.  Juice for example is terrible to consume...why you say?  Well, one glass of juice is equivalent to 5 or 6 oranges, for example, or 5 or 6 apples.  How many apples or oranges can you have in one sitting (before you feel ill)?  Maybe 2?  Fruits have a form of sugar in them (fructose) that we can consume without damage IN MODERATION.  Would you say 5 or 6 apples a day everyday is moderate?  Additionally, do you really believe these juice companies are being "nice" to us by providing a product that costs a lot to produce at a low price. NOOOOOO!!  When orange juice costs $2.00 or apple juice $1.50? I mean, really?  Look at the contents.  They add flavors, and artificial things that help aid their sale at such a low price.  They are in business to make a profit.  Fruit trees bear fruit for a few weeks at a time and that's how our ancestors ate it (when it was available).  We do have a luxury of walking down the street to get things that grow in specific climates, at specified times year round.  That cannot always be a plus. Don't buy into the hype, it's only that hype.  If it's too good to be true, it probably is.

This leads me to my next "not-so-happy-moment":

If your mother and her two sisters, an uncle and cousin down-the-line were diagnosed with high blood pressure, gout, diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc, and you all have the same lifestyle of inactivity and food consumption, what makes you think you are exempt?  Have you guys every seen the show "The Biggest Loser"?  The stories these people tell are very real... the way they ate, they way they's real and it's not only real for them, it's real for us as well.  With that said, why sit around and think "wow, he's really big," or "she's really unhealthy" when you are doing the same things?  I have watched the show season after season and thought "wow, i did that once" (eating slice after slice of pizza). The reality is, we have all done something that took us further and further away from being healthy.  My point is, enough is enough already. Get up and make a difference.  Don't sit and judge, thinking that can't be you.  It's okay, trust is.  Now stop beating yourself up and make a change.  I watch that show and see a man or woman well over 300 lbs running on a treadmill, and I will be very honest with you...if that doesn't make you wanna push to be better I don't know what will.  We all have journeys to take; don't allow yourself to choose a self destructive one.  If you feel you can't do it alone, GET HELP! If money is the issue, there are free programs out there. Contact me and I will help you find one. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES!!!!!!  Children or young adults who see your self destructive behavior may think that it's okay to be this way, to give up, and you and I both know better right???  WE can do this.  ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!!  

If what was said about wasn't enough to get you started, what about winning $100,000.00?  For details, click the link below:   

Be sure to click: "Watch the transformations" is very motivating!


Monday, January 10, 2011

FUN, FUN....FUN!!!

Ok, who said working out was fun?? Ummm, I don't know exactly, but the adventure, the chase and certainly the end results are enticing...for me.  Let's do this together; let's find some common ground here.  
I remember in the heat of Summer I would get on my bike and ride from Brooklyn to New Jersey to eat at a restaurant.  It was adventurous, but I wondered what made me lose my mind to ride more than two hours to eat (and be hungry when I got back home).'s what made me love cycling...the fun....sorry that was a typo, I meant the "fun rides".  Although, riding to New Jersey was not a fun ride, the concept of getting on a bike alone was due to my initial interest in "fun rides".  Here's how it works.  A company called 5BBC (Five Borough Bicycle Club, had "friends" who had restaurants, shops, stores etc and we would gather and cycle to where they were located. It was free and so was the food and items in the store etc.  It was awesome!!  My buddies and I would pick out the ones we liked the best and just go without a thought, typically with just a bottle of water and sunglasses (of course with other protective gear and bike supplies).  The best was when we went to "Little Italy". We ate and sampled wine and laid out under a tree somewhere and everyone was happy.  We pretty much got a tour of the city in the process, and our guide was knowledgeable about cycling form etc.  Another fun thing about it, most bike shop owners knew members of this club and others like it and would tune up our bikes for free and getting things fixed wasn't a hastle at all. 
In this very nice community of people, the younger folks would race each other up front with the more athletic guide and the older or less experienced folks were happily entertained and motivated at the back of the pack.  Many times we got to our destination far in advance of this group and would go back and leisurely accompany them back to where we would dine.  Eating without them just wasn't fun, they were usually the "riots" of the group.

Fast forward to 2011. Here's my "bright" idea.  I am going to do it again, but this time...I am going to do it as a "runner".  Yikes!!!  I found a company doing "fun runs" (those two words don't really go together well do they??).  My hope is to eventually fall in love with running, make a few new friends and have "fun" in the process.  Here's the best part of this deal... to run we need sneakers (although, after taking a running seminar...I won't be wearing my usual choice of sneakers), a pair of pants, a top and an ipod (optional).  All of those things most people already have.  I have found that this is a very inexpensive means of "fun" and that can only be a good thing.  Each of these "fun runs" are free, the 5k and 10k races have small fees attached to them.  There are even listings of qualifier races for national races for the more ambitious of the group.

Here's the plunge though... after a few weeks I am hoping that the friends that I have made (on the fun runs and 5k races), along with the ones that have already agreed to come along with me on this expedition would do a indoor tri with me (accommodated by JackRabbit). 

And finally, you all are aware that my spinning studio is "FLYWHEEL SPORTS", and they started a program called: FlyBarre.  The concept as told Kate Bohner, works the smaller muscles of the body.  Well if I never knew they existed they certainly showed up on the day I took that class (after taking a 45min spin class, with a 272 total output).  The movements were tiny and simple and made little sense to my wobbling body...therefore I must conquer this beast.  I am going back for round number two.  Speaking to Kate after class was a sheer delight, even during the class she was motivating and ensured that we would live through the discomfort we were currently experiencing.  She explained the essence of the "FlyBarre" experience and also indicated that there would be a six week challenge coming up.  Even if I don't get into the challenge, I plan on doing it for six weeks allocating the same number of days as required in the challenge to see desired results.  Yes I will post the results and my progress.  For those of you who don't know what Flywheel is about, take a look and below would have the concept for the FlyBarre Challenge. 

Let's get healthy and have fun in the process...below are the links for the Running in the USA info, you can input any state or type of race or activity you would like to do and register.  Have fun guys and if you see me, say hi!!!!!  We can take pics and post to the blog displaying our "sweaty fun".



“Transform your body and balance your life!”

The FlyBarre Challenge :: How It Works

Ten women participate in a Fitness Event at Flywheel Sports! You all challenge yourselves to slim down, get toned and enjoy the health and emotional benefits of a more sculpted, muscular body. And while you get stronger, you will surely find more balance and clarity in the your lives.

Participants promise to take three to four FlyBarre classes a week – with a mandatory -- for FlyBarre-Challenge participants only – one-hour class/workshop every Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m.   (By ensuring that they all work out together at this time, at least once a week, they’ll be encouraged to work within a support-group setting.)

Program Launch:
All women are photographed, measured and weighed.  That’s the scary part. The amazing part is that Lululemon has agreed to – at the same time – come in and organize and sponsor a “Goal Setting Workshop.”

NOTE:  I was incredibly impressed with how Amanda Casgar, the Regional Community Guru for Lululemon, explained how this works.  It begins with the participants — you all — setting realistic goals for the six-week period.  You set one-year, five-year, and even 10-year goals.  You then share these goals with the other members of the group to form a support group – where the entire team helps each other reach their goals.  (This is also a way to involve The Universe! :-)  It’s important to note here that these are “smart measurable goals.”  I decided to NOT make this a competition, a la “The Biggest Loser” – nothing against the television show, I think it’s very inspiring – just that I want to create the “team approach” ethos – one where you all feel camaraderie and are pulling for each other.  So, this is not a competition, but a collaboration! …  You are women coming together in a community to achieve your goals! Participants will lose inches but also discover the importance of routine, balance and commitment!

Each of you will be weighed and measured once per week. (You’ll be photographed only at the beginning and the end.  P.S. I’ve done the measuring before – and it really works as a motivating tool!)

At the end of the event … we will have a party in the studio where we’ll announce results, tell stories, Lululemon will present little gifties, and we can all shmooze, drink wine (the real stuff and sparking cider) and nibble on low fat cheese and wafer-thin crackers!

Thank you all for participating.  We’re looking right now at a start date of Monday, January 17th.  There will be a Orientation Meeting at 7:45 p.m. at the studio.

Looking forward to toning, building confidence, slimming down and finding balance with you all in 2011!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Surrender yourself!!!

Okay so we are now part of a new decade, a new beginning, a fresh start so to speak. What are we going to do with it?? Well here's a suggestion: SURRENDER YOURSELF TO YOUR DREAM.

Don't think about it, don't worry about how you are going to accomplish your list of "resolutions", just surrender. Become unstoppable!! Become a force you have never seen before. Consider this: someone who has a disability or any kind (physical or otherwise) accomplishing what most people and professionals say they can't...and here are you, able bodied and you are falling short??? My point is, there are no excuses.

Here are a few options if pushing yourself is "just not what you do". Find a purpose to keep you going:

- become part of an organization close to your heart (cancer research, aids foundations etc).

- Sign up for an event: a 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon and do it in the name of your new found association (it's sort of hard to punk out when you represent someone, something or hope for someone else.)

- Align yourself with someone who is part of a support group (of athletes) and just observe. (it's tough being the only unfit person in the mix, but you get to observe their training, their diet, their lifestyle and it would be much easier for you to get on board)

- Try/sign up for different things. For example, buy a 10 pack of spinning classes, sign up for yoga, sign up for swimming ALL AT THE SAME TIME (yes, that's what I said) and go one day to spin, one day to yoga, one day for swimming. Guess what... you're working out 3 days a week AND in the process you figure out what you like and don't like without a long term commitment like a 2 year gym membership.

Here's another concept:

Fight the feeling of wanting to be "a man apart" or "an island". We are really nothing without the support or assistance of others, so why do we feel like we can do everything ourselves?? The expertise of others, their knowledge, is to be cherished/treasured and subsequently shared to help others. Every person in our life has a purpose; allow that purpose to push you closer to your dream. Embrace the knowledge they offer and see how it applies to your overall vision. Understand that we have to be open to others. No matter how much money we have or how prestigious we may be, we still have to rely on the services or others. What makes someone a great leader is their vision and not their undying need for power.

One more thing:

Hope is a choice. We make the choice to maintain or to give in to the situation, to the pain or discomfort. Although some situations may seem/be debilitating (losing a loved one, financial issues, illness etc), we can either fight to survive, knowing that there is strength to be gained at the end of it all or give up. Hopefully, the latter is not even a consideration. Overcoming anything, even the smallest of hurdles is truly inspiring and character building. I once had the pleasure of working out with someone who was once in a wheel chair and recently celebrated her 6th anniversary of walking...WOW!. She is now called "She HULK". Unknown to her, knowing that as tough as the workouts were, she never gave up, pushed me to finish as well. She has become a living testament of hope and so can you.

So if you are interested, send me your location and I will find a 5k or 10k in your area as well as reduced packaged deals for spinning, swimming, running etc. They are out there (some are even free) and finding them isn't so hard to do, but I am here to help so let me be your first leg of support for 2011. Ready to SURRENDER to your dreams and innate ability to succeed? I am.