Many of us are fearful of attempting new things, but a while ago someone said: "The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result". If it works for you, by all means keep doing it, not only others how. But, if it's not working...IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE.
Here are some steps you can take:
* Eating nutritious and well prepared foods (Examples are on the food list)
* Becoming active (Sample workouts are below)
* Proper supplementation (List of some good choices are below)
Let's get the party started:
Below is a list of bodyweight exercises and their descriptions, choose 5 out of the bunch whenever you work out, DIFFERENT ONES EVERYTIME. DO NOT DO THE SAME 5 EXERCISES OVER AND OVER, there is enough to go for 30 days and beyond. The rep range would be the same for each exercise, but for each set the order would change. Here's an example:
Monday's workout:
A) High knees
B) Butt kicks
C) Chair Dips
D) Overhead squats
E) Plank
So those are your 5 exercises choices, they are to be done for 12 reps each and do as many sets in 30 mins, rest for 30 secs btw sets, but don't take a break after the set has begun (UNLESS YOU REALLY HAVE TO):
Set 1: A, B, C, D, E
Set 2: B, C, D, E, A
Set 3: C, D, E, A, B
Set 4: D, E, A, B, C
And so on...hopefully you see the pattern here. Keep going for 30 mins, and for those of you who already have an athletic base...don't take as many breaks. So in the above layout, it shows a 2min break overall...don't take any breaks if you can or take one 30 sec break. (PLEASE NOTE I SAID FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE AN ATHLETIC BASE, this is not advisable for someone who hasn't workout out in a long time)
Here are your choices:
1) Burpees
2) Lunges
3) Air Squats
4) Y Squats
5) U Squats
6) T Squats
7) Push ups
8) Pull-ups
9) Box jumps
10) Chair dips
11) Plank
12) Wall Sits
13) Jumping lunges
14) Walking lunges
15) Overhead squats
16) Mountain Climbers
17) Squat thrusts
18) High knees
19) Butt kicks
20) The crucifix walk
21) Spidee crawls
22) Running sit up
Some of these are exercises I've either adjusted or made up on my own, the others can be found on youtube or google.
* Y Squats - Performing the standard squat with your hands straight into the air in the shape of a Y, weight in the heels as usual and knees out with toes pointing in the same direction as knees, just arm position is different. Do no use heavy weights to do this exercise, it is difficult enough if done correctly. For this exercise instead of 12 reps, make it 20
* U Squat - Performing the standard squat with your hands straight into the air in the shape of a U, weight in the heels as usual and knees out with toes pointing in the same direction as knees, just arm position is different. Do no use heavy weights to do this exercise, it is difficult enough if done correctly. For this exercise instead of 12 reps, make it 20
* T Squat - Performing the standard squat with your hands straight into the air in the shape of a T, weight in the heels as usual and knees out with toes pointing in the same direction as knees, just arm position is different. Do no use heavy weights to do this exercise, it is difficult enough if done correctly. For this exercise instead of 12 reps, make it 20
* Wall Sits - Stand with your back against a wall legs are outside of your hips, toes pointed outwards and away from the wall. Slowly slide your back down toward the floor, keeping contact with the wall the entire time till your knees and waist are in the same line, slide down about an inch lower now. Raise your arms to be at shoulder level and bend your elbows so the back of your hands are against the wall. Leave your hands there and do 12 reps of this exercise...always going about an inch below where your knees and waist are in line.
* Overhead Squats - Perform the standard squat as described above, this time using a broom stick. Holding with a really wide grip and raising the stick above your head, your shoulders should be close to your ears at this point and the stick directly over your head. Squat down to a seated position. For those your you who have knee issues or flexibility issues, use a chair...tap on the edge and raise to a standing position.
* The Crucifix Walk - Get into the standard plank position, this time have your thumbs touching, walk the right hand an inch to the right, then the left, repeat till you can no longer walk your hands out, then return to the starting position. Repeat 12 times.
* Spidee Crawls - Get into the standard plank position, bring our right knee to your right elbow, walk your right hand forward, walk your left knee to your left elbow and then your left hand forward. Reverse the movement, keeping your butt/body as low as you can.
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NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP!!! - Winston Churchill
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