Monday, October 25, 2010


This week, we prepare for the challenge which starts in just 5 days.....soooo clean out the potato chips from your pantry, all the milk in the refrigerator and restock with the list below.  It is that simple.  Now in the spread sheet below, add your favorite veggies or eliminate anything you don't like.  I happen to stay within the bracket of just a few and I don't get bored because I interchange them a lot and cook them in various ways.  With that said, your spreadsheet is tailored towards your likes (cause you took off what you didn't it? Cool).  Now, go from left to right on the page and your have a protein, a veggie, a fruit, a nut/seed (as a snack or part of a meal), oil to cook or garnish with, seasonings to add flavor and a beverage.  Even if you have no clue how to cook these foods, please don't say you don't know what to eat.  The issue is HOW to prepare them right? 

The spreadsheet/food list and the workouts are posted in our google group which is listed below.  Our images will be in there (our sexiness on display for our eyes only *wink*)

Please note that I am not in anyway suggesting that you starve throughout the duration of the challenge....if you are hungry, please EAT any food from the prescribed list.  DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF.  Snack between meals....cherry tomatoes or baby carrots are great to have between meals (I personally have these lavishly between meals).

The rules of the game:
  • Keep a food log everyday and update it in our online Paleo groups - (by invitation only)
  • Eat only what's on the prescribed list (if you fall off the wagon, it's OK....just get back on)
  • Eat, Eat, Eatttttt....especially if/when you feel hungry
  • Do not purge during this process
  • Pictures do not lie...send your pictures within 3 days of completing the challenge...(the same type front and side in the same type of clothes you took your original picture in).
  • Try to get organic cuts of meat and for those of you who are non chicken, turnkey or beef eaters, I took care of that as well.  All lean cuts of meat, fish, seafood and eggs you can eat
  • No GRAINS or cereals at all (if you are not sure, google grains for a list and stay away for 30days and see what happens next)
  • No beans or peas (legumes)
  • No dairy products
  • NO SUGARS including no artificial sweeteners - no agave, no honey, no it? Good *wink*
  • DO NOT overdo it with the nuts please (speaking from experience here)
  • Avoid starchy vegetables eg. potatoes
(Any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me here or via email) A youtube video will soon follow to clear up any confusions or to answer any questions you ask away.

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