Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The Paleo Challenge started on Nov 1st 2010, with almost 25 people on board.  Not all 25 have stuck in there, and we are half way through the challenge.  The ones who have stayed on board are showing their determination and strength and their inner will to change their lives...the ones who have fallen off the wagon completely just need a bit more time to wrap their minds around the idea and the sheer determination to stick with a plan of action...whether wrong or right, to just stick with it. 

Moving right along, I'd like to up the intensity of the workout...this is the home stretch and it only makes sense to dig in and finish stronger than we started.  Here's your new formula for your workouts

For MEN:

Daily 100-150 pushups
Followed by your cardio workout and any other workout i.e. squats, lunges, crunches - upper and lower ab exercises


Daily 60-75 pushups (doing 100 would be great)
Followed by your cardio workout and any other workout i.e. squats, lunges, crunches - upper and lower ab exercises. If you don't have a pushup at all, do these inclined on a table, chair or on your knees

Please note I said DAILY, do this for 10 days and then take 3 days off where NO workouts involving the chest, shoulder or triceps are performed.

Be sure to warm up and cool down after every workout and feed your muscles and body well....lean protein, vegetables and fruit also have lots of water.  Your body will change and you will be a happier, healthier you.

"I will never forget that the only reason I'm standing here today is because somebody, somewhere stood up for me when it was risky.  Stood up when it was hard.  Stood up when it wasn't popular.  And because that somebody stood up, a few more stood up.  And then a few thousand stood up.  And then a few million stood up.  And standing up, with courage and clear purpose, they somehow managed to change the world." - Barack Obama

Life is to be enjoyed, there's nothing that we can't do...make a decision and follow through, especially when it gets tough.  Things may seem unrealistic, but it's not impossible...the concept of light was unrealistic, aeroplanes, space shuttles and a black president of the United States of America...but they were all accomplished.  What's your dream?  And how much of a reality are you willing to make it?

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