Wednesday, May 5, 2010


All roads lead to SUMMER 2010, so let's enjoy bike month in a low cost, fun fashion shall we??

So I got to thinking, how can i get ready for Summer, enjoy Bike Month and have fun all at the same time without breaking my pocket on having to buy a bike and special gear (shoes, clothes, water bottles etc). Daaa, spin studio right?  YESSS...ok, so  I did some research and got feedback and here's the studio I chose and why.  Introducing FLYWHEEL SPORTS....

This spinning studio was described as "THE ULTIMATE SPIN EXPERIENCE"...

Here were my findings:
  • The staff is professional yet friendly, if you are a regular...they call you by name.  (Not a factory/plant atmosphere)
  • Things that are free that most other studios have you pay for: water, spinning shoes and towels.
  • The ultimate in clean studios, spacious with an adjacent yoga studio (post workout...ahhhhh)
  • Personal amenities provided and get this, the bathroom is not the changing area...if you don't want it to be.
  • Three-tiered stadium seating
  •  Technologically advanced spinning equipmentPerformance logs (tracking performances per ride)
  • Competitiveness taken to a new level, race against your neighbor if you dare.
  • Convenient locations at JCC on 76th Street (Upper West side) and in the Flatiron district on 21st street
  • For all of this the cost must be out the roof? WRONG!!
Check out their site:

They even have discount codes, unlimited memberships that don't dig into college funds.

Ok so that said, I will be going back....again....and again....and yes...again.  Here is the link to the events for Bike Week, so enjoy my fellow health/fitness fanatics.

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