I firstly need to state that this is not directed at anyone I personally know, nor is it an attempt to make anyone feel terrible if this situation applies to them. It's about awareness and growth. Let's step into the light of awareness and grow. Here goes...
I am fed up, yep I said it FED UP!! I passed by a news stand and the headlines were as follows: LOSE BELLY FAT IN 10 DAYS, GET A FLAT BELLY WITH ONE MOVE, HOW TO KEEP YOUR MAN HAPPY (written by a woman...who probably doesn't have "a man"), GET A HOT UPPER BODY...blah blah blah!! Okay, you are probably saying, they may be right!! WRONG!!! Or you may be saying, this stuff sells...RIGHT YOU ARE!!!! Now much like the food that has an eternity of shelf life, with contents that we can barely pronounce...the advice that promises "sexy" without work and a proper diet is completely false and unhealthy for us both physically and mentally. My problem is that some people really believe that "their" words are true and when they don't achieve the things stated (when they followed the prescription to a T) become disheartened. Future weight loss attempts start off with a wall of impossibility to climb, when that should not be the case.
When something is unfamiliar to you, getting information is the way to go. Being fed the wrong information would only lead you down the wrong path...agreed? Some magazines would say it's okay to drink milk or juice in the morning. Most people would think that's okay as well, even prior to reading the magazine. Juice for example is terrible to consume...why you say? Well, one glass of juice is equivalent to 5 or 6 oranges, for example, or 5 or 6 apples. How many apples or oranges can you have in one sitting (before you feel ill)? Maybe 2? Fruits have a form of sugar in them (fructose) that we can consume without damage IN MODERATION. Would you say 5 or 6 apples a day everyday is moderate? Additionally, do you really believe these juice companies are being "nice" to us by providing a product that costs a lot to produce at a low price. NOOOOOO!! When orange juice costs $2.00 or apple juice $1.50? I mean, really? Look at the contents. They add flavors, and artificial things that help aid their sale at such a low price. They are in business to make a profit. Fruit trees bear fruit for a few weeks at a time and that's how our ancestors ate it (when it was available). We do have a luxury of walking down the street to get things that grow in specific climates, at specified times year round. That cannot always be a plus. Don't buy into the hype, it's only that hype. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.
This leads me to my next "not-so-happy-moment":
If your mother and her two sisters, an uncle and cousin down-the-line were diagnosed with high blood pressure, gout, diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc, and you all have the same lifestyle of inactivity and food consumption, what makes you think you are exempt? Have you guys every seen the show "The Biggest Loser"? The stories these people tell are very real... the way they ate, they way they lived...it's real and it's not only real for them, it's real for us as well. With that said, why sit around and think "wow, he's really big," or "she's really unhealthy" when you are doing the same things? I have watched the show season after season and thought "wow, i did that once" (eating slice after slice of pizza). The reality is, we have all done something that took us further and further away from being healthy. My point is, enough is enough already. Get up and make a difference. Don't sit and judge, thinking that can't be you. It's okay, trust me...it is. Now stop beating yourself up and make a change. I watch that show and see a man or woman well over 300 lbs running on a treadmill, and I will be very honest with you...if that doesn't make you wanna push to be better I don't know what will. We all have journeys to take; don't allow yourself to choose a self destructive one. If you feel you can't do it alone, GET HELP! If money is the issue, there are free programs out there. Contact me and I will help you find one. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES!!!!!! Children or young adults who see your self destructive behavior may think that it's okay to be this way, to give up, and you and I both know better right??? WE can do this. ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!!
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