Monday, December 6, 2010

"The Promise Land"

So I promised a much needed discussion about the benefits of various herbs and spices (I'll get to it have no fear before the end of the week) but instead, I would like to discuss some things that most people have never thought about when it comes to fitness/nutrition or life.

Most of my friends believe I am addicted to working out, and they may be right, but more than "working out", I am addicted to the freedom that it brings me.  It's the joy that I feel inside, the fact that things make sense after a run, spinning class or the calming feeling of gliding through water.  Fitness can be a struggle but gritting your teeth, clenching your fist and holding your breath thoughout workouts makes it much more difficult.

Know that movement is supposed to be part of our lives; we were not created to be sedentary.  Find a reason to become passionate about life itself. Let your worries, stresses, ailments, woes and issues (seen and unseen) go during your workouts.  Every time you want to grit your teeth, give a smile instead.

My neighbor who is well over 50 walks his dog every Saturday and Sunday morning at 5 am.  Sounds heroic?  No...sure doesn't, but have a seat.  He walks 50 miles, no matter the season or weather.  He is in amazing shape and when I asked him why he walks for such long distances, he says..."Cause I can...and we love the fresh air".

In Colorado two years ago, I met a 21 year old who runs 15-20miles a day.  She says she wants to see how far her legs can take her.  She does it without music and without top notch running equipment and by the way, this was her break after a night of studying.

These two individuals have something in common, and not simply the fact that they are human.  They both are free. Their smiles and PASSION when they discussed their trails was unmistakable.  My neighbor went so far to say his dog became more obedient and more disciplined after doing it continuously. Could this possibly happen to us as well?  Could we be better people if we just loved what we did and didn't fight the inevitable?

I listened to Marion Jones this morning, she said first time offenders (drug usage while competing) should not be banned for life from the sport.  And although that is debatable, what isn',t is the fact the joy of running left her when she was more concerned about winning.  When things become a chore, people may subject themselves to anything to achieve what they did when they were head over heels in love (with it).

Here are some suggestions: Try various sports (there are a lot to choose from). Slap on some sneaks and just head out (walking, running, jogging...anything). Take your kids or someone else's kids to the park every weekend (trust me, it's fun). If money is the issue...and there's no shame there... get free passes to various gym or classes and don't you dare miss a day!.

Bottom line:  Find your passion in every aspect of it and you may very well find a happier healthier YOU.

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