Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I hope you all had a responsible, enjoyable and safe holiday... (now down to business...)

Is it safe to say that as adults we should learn from "the error or our ways"? To not relive mistakes over and over again? Let us therefore attempt to adjust our thinking, then our lifestyle and thereby our lives.

After a bit of digging and statistical analysis, I noticed a trend. One that's not necessarily startling, but rather disappointing. Very simply put, the leading cause of death throughout the world is preventable. I did not say the United States alone, I said THE WORLD. We are all in the same boat, from India, to Africa, to Europe, to the Caribbean, men, women, and even children. Thanks to data for public viewing from the (CDC) - The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, The Healthy Caribbean Coalition and (WHO) The World Health Organization we have the knowledge to make a difference.

In the United States, heart disease is the number one leading cause of death, closely followed by stroke and cancer. Separated into sexes: in females the leading cause of death is heard disease, then cancer followed by stroke. In men, the leading cause of death is heart disease and then cancer. In children, the leading causes of death are accidents, followed by developmental and genetic conditions (present at birth) and then cancer.

The leading causes of death are firstly, heart disease, followed by infectious deceases, cancers and stroke.

What was really surprising to me is the low percentages in the incidence  of road/traffic accidents (2.09%), violence (0.98%) and drug usage (0.15%). There is a vast difference between 0.15% and almost 30.0% as is seen by the first cause of leading deaths in the world.

Based on the data from WHO: heart disease was still number one, strokes made the number two spot, HIV which has said to be the "biggest, most deadliest killer" of our time is number four on this list and cancers of various types hold the number nine, fifteen, eighteen and nineteen spot on this top twenty list.

The number one leading cause of death was of course....(drum roll please) heart disease, then stroke, then cancer and diabetes. Interestingly enough, this site www.healthycaribbean.org, indicated that the above ailments accounted for 60% of overall deaths. It seems like in the most untouched places in the world, people rarely die of "natural causes" any longer.

- Eliminate processed and fried foods. (If you must have something processed, go through the process of making it yourself). This includes any "white" flour products and even wheat products are bleached and then colored to accommodate the appearance of being a "whole grain".

- Opt for vegetables and a bit of fruit, lots of water instead of food that have and eternity in shelf life.

- Become more active

Although these, things may at first seem dauntingly impossible to accomplish, consider doing one at a time and reflect on the statistics every now and then. Especially look at the rising statistics of childhood obesity and then the ages of the children having heart failure. It is astounding at what we have become or are becoming. You can make a change in yourself and your family and your friends. 2011 is a great place to start, change can begin with YOU!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Treat Yourself Kindly!!!

2011 is fast approaching and the hope is to improve on errors we have made in the past right?  Next year, let us treat ourselves better than we did this year.  Better diets, more water consumption and rejuvenation methods that can make all the difference.  Our lives are so busy, we often forget to take care of the person who's taking care of everyone else.  (Sounds complicated?  Well it isn't, here's why...)

Every single day we go through life, facing the elements whether it's the blinding sun, cold winds or both, we walk in shoes (sometimes) that aren't comfortable, we strap things to our shoulders (eg purses, backpacks, kids) and this list could be a mile long. We do it, daily and our bodies stand up to our requirements and sometimes well it just doesn't. Let us get into the habit of thanking our bodies by treating it well...previously I discussed foods that help us through our daily lives that prevent illnesses or help us better cope with such ailments. So we know, feeding it well is important. I've also discussed training techniques, that can improve our overall wellness (weights and cardio etc). Now let's view some necessary things that can help prevent pain, stress in general and from specific body parts (due to overuse from daily living).

These ideas are great for men and women, it is in no way specific to one sex only or a specific type of person.

Body Massage:
- relieves pain and eases tension
- relaxes inflamed muscles
- improves circulation
- reduces stress
- enhances your mood
- can be rejuvenating
- a great way to deal with small issues before they become larger ones (eg. getting rid of the tightness in your shoulders, before it becomes a debilitating pain)
- a great/welcomed way to treat yourself (so instead of buying that shoe, that you know would hurt your feet...get a massage)
- it's detoxifying for our bodies as well
- some say it can promote weight loss as well, but I suppose that's a specific type of massage

- improves circulation
- It's a great protective mechanism to help beat wrinkles before they occur
- helps to unclog pores
- a great way to relieve stress and help you relax.
- improves confidence and may even enable a natural glow from within.

We all know why these are great to do. No one wants to be touched by hands that feel like sand paper. But more than that, we use both our hands and feet ALL the time. A foot massage is also excellent in preventing pains in your ankles or soles of your feel. Here's a good tip: before going to bed, rub coco butter or vitamin e oil on your feet and place them in a cozy sock. Your feel would be so soft within a week you would be amazed. And it also prevents your heel from cracking (also not a pleasant sight to an innocent bystander by the way). Again guys, this applies to you as well (*wink, hint hint)

Getting your hair done:
Having someone massage your scalp is so relaxing. It personally puts me into a very "zen-like" state. It promotes healthy hair growth, releases the necessary oils in your scalp and can also release tension and pent up frustrations (if done correctly).
These are things that we should do monthly, there are various types as well....you can try them out. At the end of it all, you would feel great about yourself, your skin and relaxed as well. Yes, these also cost money, so to those of you on a fixed budget...I've got you covered. There are various deals in the local paper as well as on sites like www.lifebooker.com or www.giltgroupe.com and in local salons, there are days when the above deals are discounted or half off the regular price. Pen these awesome events in your calendar and don't miss them. These are also great gift ideas for your relatives/friends (that are super uptight, great way to help them calm down. And it's guilt free, call it a spa treat, they would love you for it.)

So promise to treat yourself better in 2011,
you deserve it

* For those of you who already get these services on a regular basis, please let us know your favorite places or the best deals or how they have made your lives better/more comfortable.

Monday, December 6, 2010

"The Promise Land"

So I promised a much needed discussion about the benefits of various herbs and spices (I'll get to it have no fear before the end of the week) but instead, I would like to discuss some things that most people have never thought about when it comes to fitness/nutrition or life.

Most of my friends believe I am addicted to working out, and they may be right, but more than "working out", I am addicted to the freedom that it brings me.  It's the joy that I feel inside, the fact that things make sense after a run, spinning class or the calming feeling of gliding through water.  Fitness can be a struggle but gritting your teeth, clenching your fist and holding your breath thoughout workouts makes it much more difficult.

Know that movement is supposed to be part of our lives; we were not created to be sedentary.  Find a reason to become passionate about life itself. Let your worries, stresses, ailments, woes and issues (seen and unseen) go during your workouts.  Every time you want to grit your teeth, give a smile instead.

My neighbor who is well over 50 walks his dog every Saturday and Sunday morning at 5 am.  Sounds heroic?  No...sure doesn't, but have a seat.  He walks 50 miles, no matter the season or weather.  He is in amazing shape and when I asked him why he walks for such long distances, he says..."Cause I can...and we love the fresh air".

In Colorado two years ago, I met a 21 year old who runs 15-20miles a day.  She says she wants to see how far her legs can take her.  She does it without music and without top notch running equipment and by the way, this was her break after a night of studying.

These two individuals have something in common, and not simply the fact that they are human.  They both are free. Their smiles and PASSION when they discussed their trails was unmistakable.  My neighbor went so far to say his dog became more obedient and more disciplined after doing it continuously. Could this possibly happen to us as well?  Could we be better people if we just loved what we did and didn't fight the inevitable?

I listened to Marion Jones this morning, she said first time offenders (drug usage while competing) should not be banned for life from the sport.  And although that is debatable, what isn',t is the fact the joy of running left her when she was more concerned about winning.  When things become a chore, people may subject themselves to anything to achieve what they did when they were head over heels in love (with it).

Here are some suggestions: Try various sports (there are a lot to choose from). Slap on some sneaks and just head out (walking, running, jogging...anything). Take your kids or someone else's kids to the park every weekend (trust me, it's fun). If money is the issue...and there's no shame there... get free passes to various gym or classes and don't you dare miss a day!.

Bottom line:  Find your passion in life...in every aspect of it and you may very well find a happier healthier YOU.