Year after year gym members run, walk or swing their extremities on electrical machines for several hours a week, months or even years...but they still look the same. Everything has it's purpose of course, but to enlist "cardio" as the main or sole source of weight loss can be deemed as incorrect. From personal experience apart from cardio not being the most thrilling of workouts, it can for some yield slow results and does not strengthen muscles throughout the body. Some people may not be looking for physical muscle definition, but at the end of a year of running on a treadmill, one would hope somewhere would be stronger as well as being thinner.
Research has shown that strength training stimulates fat loss and it's guaranteed, if you do strength training for even half the time that is dedicated to cardio, results would be clearly evident. Here are some examples of strength training exercises:
- Ball slams for 1min and 2 mins of jumping rope (do 5 times, with 30secs rest after each set)
above: illustrations of ball slams.
2. Mountain climbers for 1min and 2 mins of push and press (do 5 times, with 30secs rest after each set) video/CrossFit_ v=IO5KVEoEbo4&NR=1
click the link above for an example of the push press
3. Box jumps for 1min and 2 mins of renegade rows (using a dumbbell)

BoxJumps_exercise_2up.jpg video/CrossFit_ BoxJumpVariations.wmv
click the link above for an example of the push press
3. Box jumps for 1min and 2 mins of renegade rows (using a dumbbell)
